Hi all,
We have a question about the Notification using https protocol. Currently we are trying to send a Notification to remote https server but unsuccessfully. SSL/TLS setup has been done using the following link, and official SSL certification is used.
URL: https://github.com/IoTKETI/Mobius/wiki/Mobius-SSL-TLS-Enabling
Would you please help us how to fix this issue?
The resource structure is like following:
AAA_AE+- AAA_container+- AAA_subscription
The body part for creating the AAA_subscription is following.
{"m2m:sub" : {"enc" : { "net" :[3] },"ln" : true,"nu" :[ "https://sample.com/sample" ],"nct":1,"rn" : "AAA_subscription" }}
Below is the OCEAN output log when contentInstance is created.
<---- [request_noti_mqtt - 3][pxy_mqtt] - sample<---- /oneM2M/req/mb-cse-a/sample/json[request_noti_mqtt - problem with request: socket hang up][request_noti_mqtt - no response - 3][request_noti_mqtt - close: no response for notification]
But when nu (notificationURI) is set "http://sample.com/sample", Notification is sent successfully.
Thanks in advance,Hiroo Kato
[My Environment]
- OS (Win97, Win10, Mac, Linux, ETC): Ubuntu 18.04
- Mobius Version : 2.4
- DB Version (Mysql 5.7, Maria 10.1,... ) : Mysql 5.7.24
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